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Barnum's American Museum


Barnum began his career in entertainment through "a merging of Peale's Museum with the old Scudder's Museum" at his American Museum. For little money, the public was invited into the American Museum to see things they had never seen in public (never the less a museum) before. (1)




"Stuffed animals that came from all parts of the world, exotic items bought from sea captains who traveled to Asia and the South Pacific, a loom operated by a dog, and a collection of paintings that Barnum publicized as a national portrait exhibition", the American Museum began to transform the inner city of New York as it gained more and more popularity. (2)

                   Barnum was most famous for his "freaks-of-nature exhibits" in which he exhibited things like trained fleas and a half monkey/ half fish mermaid. One of Barnum's most famous exhibits was one in which he showcased "the oldest woman in the world (Joice Heth)", claiming she was 120. Heth was actually only 80 years old when she died; serving as a great example of Barnum's genius at "arousing the public's curiosity" and ability to capture the public's interest. 

           Barnum's museum made his name famous and "guaranteed that any endeavor that was connected with his name" would forever be remembered. The American Museum was a gateway to what is known today as the typical American circus. Barnum spread an educational and entertaining message to rural Americans regarding his museum and circus acts. However, the original American circus was "based on Astley's innovations and the other traditional entertainments of Europe;" some of the elements coming from Barnum's exhibits. Barnum was able to make the circus so popular by presenting "his exhibits in an exciting and dramatic manner", creating what we know today as the “Greatest Show on Earth.” (3)



Barnum's infamous "tattooed family".

1. Historic U.S. Events, ed. "Barnum's Circus Opens." U.S. History in Context. Last modified 2014. (January 4, 2017). 

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Tahra Millan. NY-RicBurns-P.T. Barnum’s American Museum, 2011. Photo. (April 4, 2017)

5. Barnum and Bailey Circus. Photograph. Circuses and Slideshows. 2013. (April 4, 2017)

6. Ibid.

7. Tattooed circus family, mother and children c1965. Photograph. Historical Times. (Februrary 2, 2017). 

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